The Canberra Liberals have no plan to address climate change, are waging a fearmongering campaign about the ACT's climate change actions, and oppose measures to financially assist Canberra households as we transition to a sustainable future.
"The ACT is making nation-leading efforts to tackle climate change and make Canberra a modern, green, and highly liveable city. These initiatives are already bringing extensive environmental, social, and economic benefits to Canberra, and Canberrans are rightly proud of them," ACT Greens leader and Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability Shane Rattenbury said today.
"Canberrans will be very disappointed that their local Liberal party, like their Federal counterparts, opposes climate change action, is conducting a misleading fear campaign about climate change, and is even voting against measures that would offer financial assistance to households as Canberra transitions to a modern, green city.
"While the Canberra Liberals make occasional platitudes about believing in climate change, or caring about financially disadvantaged Canberrans, they are actually wolves in sheeps' clothing. Every step of the way the Liberal Party undermines and opposes actions that would make a positive difference on climate change and fairness.
"The Liberals' 'fake news' campaign on the ACT's new climate change strategy is insulting to Canberrans. They have been making false and deceptive claims that "the Government will ban cars" or that it will "disconnect your gas". This is simply a diversion from the real policy issues of climate change and fairness, on which the Liberal Party fail.
For example:
- the Canberra Liberals claim they agree with the ACT's 100% renewable electricity initiative, but it does not support the scheme that pays for it (via consumers electricity bills - currently assessed as being less than $1 per week);
- the Canberra Liberals claim they agree with the ACT's zero emissions by 2045 target, but then oppose the Climate Change Strategy that will get us there, including the phasing out of natural gas;
- the Canberra Liberals claim they support low income households but voted against the award-winning Energy Efficiency Improvement Scheme, which has already saved $15 million off the energy bills of low income households, and over the lifetime of the scheme is expected to deliver $240 million in savings for households and businesses.
"We know that the costs of inaction will simply multiply over time. Canberra is proudly the nation's climate action capital. It's critical that we continue taking these actions, both for the climate, but also to ensure we have a liveable and affordable city," said Mr Rattenbury.