An historic Greens' motion declaring a Climate Emergency in South Australia passed the SA Legislative Council tonight.
"I'm delighted that the Parliament has agreed to make this important declaration, which recognises that emergency situations require urgent and serious action. The call for governments to do more to tackle dangerous climate change is growing around the world including from hundreds of thousands of school children around Australia who went on strike from school last week over climate inaction," said Mark Parnell MLC.
Every non-Government Party in the Parliament supported the Greens' Motion. The Liberals tried to amend it by removing the main demand - Declaring a Climate Emergency - but when they received no support from any other Party for their amendments, they gave up and let the motion go through "on the voices" without calling for a formal vote.
The full text of the motion was:
That this Council -
I. Recognises that global average temperature, atmospheric greenhouse gases and ocean acidity are already at dangerous levels;
II. Notes that around the world, climate change impacts are already causing loss of life and destroying vital ecosystems;
III. Declares that we are facing a climate emergency; and
IV. Commits to restoring a safe climate by transforming the economy to zero net emissions
"I'm delighted that a majority of Upper House MPs are listening to climate scientists and listening to the community. The first step is to recognise that you have a problem, the next step is to do something about it. The Greens will be pushing the government to help wean SA off fossil fuels, starting with a ban on all new fossil fuel projects, including in the Great Australian Bight, in the Limestone Coast and stopping underground coal gasification at Leigh Creek," concluded Mark Parnell MLC.