Closure Of Jingili Water Gardens Footbridge

Darwin City Council

City of Darwin wishes to advise that the Jingili Water Gardens Footbridge needs to be replaced and will be closed from Monday 31 March 2025.

The footbridge has reached its end of life and must be replaced to ensure access and continued public safety.

City of Darwin Chief Executive Officer, Simone Saunders, said City of Darwin was committed to maintaining safe and accessible infrastructure for the community.

"The temporary structural certification in place for the Jingili Water Gardens Footbridge, which allowed it to remain open, expires on Monday 31 March 2025, and the bridge will need to close to allow a new footbridge to be constructed," Ms Saunders said.

"We understand the footbridge is an important part of connectivity and recreation in Jingili Water Gardens, connecting the Millner and Jingili community neighbourhoods, and we will do our best to limit disruptions while a new bridge is built.

"Safety is our top priority, and the new bridge will be structurally sound and durable, designed to withstand anticipated flooding from monsoonal rain and king tides.

"This project aligns with our Movement Strategy to improve Darwin streetscapes, infrastructure and connectivity, while reducing the impact of transport on the environment, making it easier for people to move around our city," she said.

Once complete, the new footbridge will be wider, providing a shared access path and gentle slope to enhance accessibility for all users.

City of Darwin is committed to protecting the environment and will work with the project team and neighbouring community groups to ensure the safety and preservation of the local ecosystem.

Signage will be placed on-site to notify visitors of the closure and the new bridge is expected to be operational before the end of the dry season.

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