The Finocchiaro CLP Government is considering integrating the Northern Territory Major Events Company (NTMEC) and Tourism NT to establish a more targeted and strategic approach to attract visitors to the Territory.
Minister for Tourism and Hospitality Marie-Clare Boothby announced today that the government was exploring ways to drive efficiencies and better leverage the expertise within both organisations to maximise visitation.
"NTMEC was established 25 years ago to fill a gap in large-scale event management," said Ms Boothby.
"Since then, its role has evolved, and its focus on attracting visitors now aligns closely with the objectives of Tourism NT.
"It's time for a more coordinated, smarter and more effective strategy that builds tourism around strategically marketing our iconic events and delivers real outcomes for our economy."
Ms Boothby said merging NTMEC and Tourism NT would be a strategic move, as both organisations were working towards the same goal of bringing visitors to the Territory.
"We have two highly skilled teams - one specialising in destination events and another in destination marketing," she said.
"Events in the Territory are a major drawcard for tourists, and we need to ensure our approach is as effective as possible.
"Under Labor, we've seen a downturn in visitation and a lack of direction, so our tourism industry needs all the support it can get right now."
Over the coming weeks, the government will consult with stakeholders to develop a model that strengthens major events and tourism, driving greater interstate and international visitation.
No changes are planned for any scheduled events; the focus is on delivering efficiencies and reinvesting efforts into growing tourism, which will help rebuild our economy.
"We have exceptional expertise across NTMEC and Tourism NT, and by working together, we can increase our reach, attract more visitors, and ensure the Territory remains a top destination for major events," said Ms Boothby.
"We're doing things differently so we can rebuild our Territory and restore our way of life, and we won't keep doing things the same way while expecting different results.
"A more targeted and strategic approach will deliver stronger outcomes and better value for Territorians."