CLP Unveils Comprehensive Legislative Agenda

NT Government

The Finocchiaro CLP Government is set to deliver a comprehensive legislative agenda over the next two weeks of Parliament, starting tomorrow.

The Territory Coordinator legislation is set to be debated and passed, which will herald a new way of developing the Territory.

Leader of Government Business Steve Edgington said: "The Territory Coordinator will give us a competitive edge against other states, who have not undertaken the level of reform we have."

"Other legislation to be introduced this week includes the removal of Labor's costly Portable Long Service leave scheme which they rushed through prior to the last election," he said.

"Childcare centres told us this would cost them $50,000 extra a year, which would have been directly passed onto parents via increased fees.

"This week in Parliament, we will also remove Labor's farcical $15 billion debt cap."

If the debt cap was to remain in place, savings of around $1.8 billion, or $450 million per annum over four years, would need to be found across the Budget and forward estimates.

"This level of savings is something the CLP Government has no interest in because we know the only way out of our debt mess is by growing our economy," said Mr Edgington.

"I will also outline details about our government's public housing reforms.

"Antisocial behaviour and serious incidents of crime in public housing have been allowed to spiral out of control for far too long.

"The time for excuses and rolling out the red carpet for repeat offenders is over."

Parliament will sit on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week, and the same again next week.

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