Coastal Storm Surges And Erosion Warning

Kempsey Shire Council

Abnormally high tides and large swells this week are creating a significant risk of flooding and coastal erosion, particularly for low-lying coastal communities. The most significant impacts expected to occur during the overnight high tides on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights.

For the Kempsey Local Government Area, areas of greatest concern include the Crescent Head Holiday Park, along with low-lying zones around Killick Creek, Crescent Head, Korogoro Creek, and Hat Head.

With beach conditions extremely dangerous, residents and visitors are strongly advised to stay well away from the surf and surf-exposed areas.


  • Listen to your local ABC radio station which can be found at
  • ABC Radio Mid North Coast 95.5FM
  • Download the Hazards Near Me app and set your watch zones to get warning information for your areas.
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