Cocaine trafficking arrestsin Brisbane CBD and Fortitude Valley

Detectives from the Fortitude Valley Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) have arrested 37 people on 215 charges, including five people with trafficking cocaine, and have seized more than $272,000 worth of dangerous drugs and cash.

The arrests follow a six-month investigation into an established cocaine distribution network in Fortitude Valley.

Operation Sierra Gypsy culminated in the execution of 25 search warrants in Fortitude Valley and the Brisbane City areas yesterday (December 11).

Five men aged between 25 and 28 years have been charged with Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs and other related drug offences and will appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court today (Saturday, December 12).

Detective Inspector Glen Farmer from the City Valley Crime Group said the operation had successfully dismantled a sophisticated cocaine supply network in the Fortitude Valley area.

"The seizure of these harmful drugs, along with the arrest of these men, has led to the operation being a success and the community being a safer place," Detective Inspector Farmer said.

Detective Superintendent Tony Fleming, the Brisbane Region Crime and Intelligence Coordinator praised the efforts of detectives who continue to target people trafficking drugs, often through legitimate businesses.

"Every week we see the harm illicit drugs cause people in Brisbane, particularly in terms of violence," Detective Inspector Fleming said.

"The impact of illicit drugs on people's safety is common in the calls for service to Queensland Police.

"This operation is an example of the dedication of police in Brisbane to making our community safer."

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