A Strategy to help protect and celebrate the Aboriginal and European history of the Coffs Harbour area has been endorsed by Council after public consultation.
"While the planned conservation of local Aboriginal cultural heritage, our industrial history and early periods of European settlement is extremely important, looking after our shared history also reinforces our sense of continuity and belonging as a community," said Ian Fitzgibbon, Council's Group Leader Sustainable Places.
Heritage items include buildings, sites, relics, heritage landscapes, local streetscapes, cemeteries, archaeological sites, industrial heritage sites and movable items. In partnership with the NSW Government's Heritage NSW agency, Council also operates a Local Heritage Fund to assist the owners of heritage-listed sites in the general maintenance and care of their properties.
A Heritage Strategy has been operating for the Coffs Harbour City Council local government area since 2003 and its work is supported by a Heritage Advisory Committee.
Since 2003, the strategic approach adopted by Council has been instrumental in establishing a series of popular heritage trails and promotional brochures. The State Heritage Listing of the Coffs Harbour Jetty, First Sikh Temple in Hastings Street, Woolgoolga, and nomination of State Heritage Listing for the Arrawarra Fish Traps and the Ulong Sawmill are also the result of previous heritage strategies.
Having a Heritage Strategy in place also allows Council to apply for funding for heritage projects from the NSW Government.
The Coffs Harbour Heritage Strategic Plan 2021-2024 proposes:
- the continuation of the Heritage Advisory Committee;
- the identification and review of potential heritage items;
- the continued production of heritage brochures;
- the continued administration of the Local Heritage Fund;
- the continued production of themed heritage trails; and
- the promotion of cultural heritage awareness.
A copy of the Coffs Harbour Heritage Strategic Plan 2021-2024 will now be forwarded to the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet (Heritage NSW).
Pictured above is Coffs Harbour Jetty in its heyday. It recently won State Heritage Listing status as a result of Council's strategic approach to our heritage.