Coins For Care Raises Money For Goulburn


Volunteers from BDCU Hospital Fundraising Inc lined Auburn Street in Goulburn in December to raise more than $2,000 towards the purchasing of equipment for Goulburn Hospital and Health Service, in their popular annual fundraiser 'Coins for Care.' The coins were placed on a mural depicting the hospital designed by Sally Dunne.

The fundraiser was just one of the recent events held by the fundraising group, with their annual 'Movie Under the Stars' also held in February at the Goulburn Golf Club. Attendees were treated to a screening of the sport comedy film "Champions" as well as catering provided by The Grill House Bistro.

In addition to the fundraisers, a new high-low chair was purchased through a generous donation of $7,820 from Kay Rudd, Managing Director of Jigsaw Plan Management and the support of the fundraising group.

BDCU Goulburn Hospital Fundraising Inc. was formed in 2008 to fundraise for the purchase of equipment for the Goulburn Hospital and Health Service, and has raised over of $500,000 to date.

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