A review into the 2022 Colac Otway Community Awards showed a considerably greater number of submissions received than in recent years and general community satisfaction over the new event date and location, as well as current award categories.
"The festival location opened the awards up to a new and potentially broader audience," said Mayor Kate Hanson. "We were pleased with the results and look forward to celebrating more of our region's unsung heroes through these awards in the years to come."
As a result of previous community consultation and a community survey receiving more than 250 responses, highlighted to Council as part of the review process, the 2023 Colac Otway Community Awards will follow the same successful format with three awards categories (Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Service of the Year), with the presentation happening once more at the Colac Kana Festival in Memorial Square.
"The Colac Kana Festival is a well-loved local and inclusive event that is family-friendly and attracts a large crowd," said Mayor Hanson. "This offers our award recipients and nominees to have further recognition for their great work."
Some comments made to the festival committee on the day included: "I didn't realise we had such quiet achievers and volunteers", "Listening to what was said made me realise what wonderful people are in the community", and "Awards well deserved and good acknowledgement of voluntary work that goes unrecognised in our community."
"Our award recipients weren't striving for recognition, but for the betterment of the community," said Mayor Hanson. "Many are surprised by the nominations, but it's so important to give the wonderful work these people do more visibility, particularly in such challenging times, to inspire and to encourage a community-focused mindset in our towns."