Colac Otway Shire Council, in partnership with Leisure Networks, is hosting Fair Access (Gender Equity) information sessions for Colac Otway Shire sporting clubs and organisations to help the community provide local sporting opportunities that are accessible to everyone.
Under the Victorian Government's Fair Access Policy Roadmap, Councils are required to develop a Fair Access Policy including developing actions that implement the policy for delivering equitable access to publicly owned community sports infrastructure. The information sessions will support local sporting clubs to understand the Fair Access principles and assist Council in developing a localised action plan for implementing the Fair Access Policy Roadmap.
General Manager Community and Economy Ian Seuren said the Roadmap would help Council ensure that women and girls can participate in and enjoy the benefits of sport.
"We're developing our Colac Otway Shire Fair Access Policy to seek to address inequality and known barriers experienced by women and girls in accessing and using community sporting facilities.
"Due to the age of our sporting infrastructure, one of the key challenges we face in Colac Otway is that some of our facilities don't meet current day sports facility standards. Providing fair access isn't just about the condition of facilities though, there are many ways to encourage fair and equal access to sporting facilities and activities.
"Council, in partnership with Leisure Networks, is holding information sessions in Colac and Apollo Bay to assist sporting clubs and organisations to understand Fair Access and what this means for creating inclusive environments for everyone; I strongly encourage all our local sporting clubs to have at least one representative attend a session," Mr Seuren said.
Dates, times and locations of information sessions are:
Colac Central Reserve
Monday 13 November
6pm – 7.30pm
Apollo Bay Bowling Club
Wednesday 15 November
6pm – 7.30pm
"We love our sport in Colac Otway, and Council wants to do all we can to ensure all members of our community regardless of gender, background, age or ability have the same opportunities to participate in sport to connect with other and to continue to be active and healthy.
"Council is committed to ensuring everyone has the same access to all our community sporting facilities," Mr Seuren said.
People are asked to register their attendance at an information session via the Leisure Networks ticketing system:
The Roadmap is being delivered by the Office for Women in Sport & Recreation.