Colac Otway Youth Art Contest Opens for Entries

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Calling all young artists: it's time to paint, draw and collage your way to fame in Colac Otway!

Entries have opened for the inaugural Colac Otway Youth Art Competition, challenging artists aged 12 to 25 to showcase their creative masterpieces for a chance to win fantastic prizes.

Mayor Jason Schram encouraged young creatives to put their imaginations and skills to work.

"We want to see the creative talent of local young people shine in 2025," Cr Schram said.

"In recent years Council hosted a youth photography competition, which was a great success and attracted fantastic entries from across the shire," he said.

"Competitions like these are a great way for young people to get engaged.

"They also let the whole community see things from the perspective of young people and appreciate some of the amazing artistic talents we have here in Colac Otway."

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