Collaborative Care Project Boost For Leeton Community


Leeton will benefit from the rollout of a new initiative designed to reshape the way health services are delivered locally.

The Collaborative Care project, supported by NSW Health and facilitated by the Rural Doctors Network (RDN), aims to identify the healthcare needs of the Leeton community and work together to create innovative solutions.

This collaborative approach will bring together health professionals, community members, Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN), and Leeton Shire Council to design a future-focused health service model.

The Collaborative Care project is dedicated to fostering a holistic approach to health, with a strong focus on mental, physical, and social wellbeing for all members of the Leeton community.

Building on existing research and consultation, local healthcare providers - including doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals - are working collaboratively with the community and partner organisations.

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