Collie Bushland Searched in Lisa Mott Case

About 6.45pm on 30 October 1980, Lisa attended Collie's local basketball courts on Throssell Street

with a friend and, about 8.45pm, she went to a nearby pizza shop.

Lisa started walking home about 9pm and was last seen crossing a railway line to Forrest Street before

she vanished.

In November 2024, as part of the ongoing investigation, Cold Case Investigators deployed to Collie with

a mobile police facility stationed on Forrest Street.

Acting on information received from the public during that deployment, detectives are reinvestigating

a yellow Holden panel van abandoned in the bush area of Hoddell Road in Collie. The abandoned vehicle

was previously reported to police and investigated at the time of the initial report in 1996.

Lisa was last seen by eye witnesses entering a yellow panel van, believed to be a Holden 1970 to 1978


Today, 25 March 2025, Cold Case Investigators - with the assistance of Emergency Operations Unit and

recruits from the WA Police Academy - are conducting a search of the bushland area on Hoddell Road.

This search will form one of many ongoing searches in the Collie area in the coming weeks. These

searches are as a direct result of information received from the community.

Detective Sergeant Greg Dowding maintains firm belief that the Western Australian community can help

police solve the case.

"We are seeking anyone with information in relation to this vehicle to come forward to police,"

Detective Sergeant Dowding said.

"We want to identify the owner; we want to know how long it has been here and most importantly we

want to determine whether it is relevant to Lisa's disappearance.

"There has been a strong response to every appeal for information we have made to the public to assist

us with our investigation into Lisa's disappearance.

"It comes as no surprise that the Western Australian community is so eager to help; it's every parent's

worst nightmare to lose a child and spend decades without any explanation.

"Numerous reports have been received at Crime Stoppers and directly to investigators at our

deployment in Collie last year.

"Whether it is fresh information or information relating to avenues already explored, we are committed

to assessing every line of inquiry.

"I urge the public to come forward with whatever they know - big or small, it could be the key to our


Anyone with information regarding the abandoned yellow Holden panel van, or Lisa's disappearance, is

urged or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Information can also be reported anonymously online via .

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/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.