Collins Street Transformation Project Kicks Off


Preparations for the Transforming Collins Street project will start this week, as the City of Hobart prepares for the upcoming two-year trial.

The tactical trial involves the introduction of temporary infrastructure including streetside dining areas, a zebra crossing, greenery, separated bicycle lanes, increased accessibility parking and other pedestrian-friendly updates along a 600-metre stretch of Collins Street between Molle and Victoria streets.

Some on-street parking spaces will be converted to accommodate the dining decks and cycling lanes, however there will still be on-street parking spots and loading zones along each block of the project area.

There are more than 1000 public parking spaces within the immediate vicinity of Collins Street, so this trial will result in about a 2 or 3 per cent reduction in the area.

The physical works, to begin on Monday, March 24, are the required next step following the council resolution in September 2024, and have been scheduled months in advance.

The City recently conducted two weeks of community engagement about the project, to gather feedback and gauge local sentiment about the project.

This was the first of five stages of engagement which will occur over the course of the two-year trial, in line with the council resolution from September 2024.

The findings from each round of engagement, along with usage data, will be shared with elected members and the wider community.

The upcoming works are expected to mostly take place at night and run for about six weeks, weather permitting.

They will involve footpath extensions, new line markings and road signs, new kerbs and bollards and the construction of dining decks.

Some temporary lane closures and reduced speed limits will be in place during working hours for the safety of workers and road users.

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