Comanchero Member Arrested For Firearms Offences

Today, Wednesday the 19 February, following an investigation, Detectives from the Crime Gangs Task Force and Serious and Organised Crime Branch conducted multiple searches in the southern suburbs of Adelaide.


Detectives were investigating members of the of the Comanchero Motorcycle Club, an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, in relation to an alleged incident of aggravated affray, breach of firearms prohibition order and a firearms offence that allegedly occurred at Christie Downs last year.

A 36-year-old southern suburb man, a member of the Comanchero Motorcycle Club, was arrested and charged with a number of serious offences including aggravated affray, breaching a firearms prohibition order and possessing a prescribed firearm. The man has been refused bail and will likely appear in the Christies Beach Magistrates Court tomorrow (Thursday 20).

Further searches of houses associated with the investigation resulted in the seizure of approximately $14000.00 cash, ammunition, prescribed hydroponic equipment and half a kilogram of dried cannabis.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at or phone 1800 333 000 – you can remain anonymous.


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