27 June 2023
Comcare has developed new resources on ways to reduce mental health-related stigma in the workplace and encourage wellbeing at work every day.
Comcare has developed new resources on ways to reduce mental health-related stigma in the workplace and encourage wellbeing at work every day.
The Mental Notes program aims to raise awareness of mental health-related stigma, increase manager/supervisor knowledge and skills to support workers' mental health, encourage support and promote help-seeking behaviour early.
Psychological claims for workers' compensation currently account for around one third of new claims from Australian Public Service workers in the Comcare jurisdiction, with bullying and harassment and work pressure the main causes.
These claims are often more complex and take longer to resolve. Workers who make a compensation claim for a psychological injury often have poorer recovery and return to work outcomes than those who with a physical injury or disease.
Fear and stigma around mental ill-health can prevent workers from seeking the support they need from their employer or a trained professional.
Workplaces that foster and support the psychological health and wellbeing of workers by addressing stigma early and encouraging help-seeking behaviour are more likely to experience less absenteeism, presenteeism, employee turnover and psychological claims.
The Mental Notes program provides practical strategies on how to identify and manage psychosocial safety risks, and help assess, and make appropriate adjustments to support staff in the workplace.
Program resources available on Comcare's website include a manager's resource kit, practical resources for managers and supervisors, fact sheets, conversation guides, templates and other communication materials.
Mental Notes was informed and tested with managers, workers and people with lived experience of mental health issues.