Come-and-Try Hit With New Stonnington Family

The Stonnington Come and Try program has been given it a big thumbs up by a young family, new to Melbourne, on the lookout for activities to help build new friendships and community connection.

The family of three, mum and two primary school-aged children, recently moved to Stonnington and were keen to make friends and become part of their new neighbourhood.

The first few weeks in a new home and new school weren't easy for the 8 and 11 year old who were finding it difficult to make new friends.

Both were keen to play a sport or join a club but weren't sure what they wanted to do, so asked other kids at their school what they were doing with the hope they could do the same and make some friends.

It certainly did the trick!

What they heard led them to trial a local club, originally with the idea to staying for a season and then moving to a different winter sport.

That won't be happening.

Both kids are loving being part of their chosen club and looking forward to the winter season of activities.

They've also made wonderful friendships with the kids they've met at the club and go to school with, and are loving being part of a new local community.

Mum's also delighted. She's loving seeing her children so happy and settled, and she too is enjoying the experience of being part of the club, getting involved in different activities and connecting with other parents.

Come and Try gives young people aged 5 to 18 years the chance to experience a free introduction to the basics of their favourite sport through fun activities.

And, as evident from the experience of the new Stonnington family, it's a great way to try something new and make new friends!

Find out how you can get involved at: Come and Try | Active Stonnington

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