The members of the Australian Pharmacy Leaders Forum (APLF) met on Wednesday, 4 August 2021, in the 43rd meeting of the group.
In the spirit of collaboration, each organisation provided a short update on recent activity, highlighting areas for Forum discussion and action.
APLF members discussed the impact COVID-19 is having on pharmacists across Australia. Members acknowledged the crucial role pharmacies and the pharmacist workforce have performed as they remained open during the pandemic. All members were incredibly proud of the profession while noting the immense strain it has placed on us all.
APLF members discussed the significant role pharmacists are performing in the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines, and noted that community pharmacy activation across the country will be critical in the execution of the vaccination strategy.
APLF members discussed the psychological, physical and societal impact on pharmacists who have consistently been on the front line since the pandemic began early last year. Members discussed the need for more support to the profession and remain committed to continuing to deliver support services while advocating for funding, recognition and care for pharmacists.
Members discussed employment conditions across the pharmacy profession, and the impact this is having on retention, workforce morale, workload, workplace health and safety, and attracting people to the profession. Members agreed to establish a working party with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), the National Australian Pharmacy Students' Association (NAPSA), the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (PGA) and Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) to examine workplace relations opportunities by collaborating and developing a common advocacy plan for addressing conditions across the profession.
APLF is due to meet for its 44th meeting in December 2021.
APLF member organisations:
- Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy (AACP)
- Australian College of Pharmacy (ACP)
- Australian Pharmacy Council (APC)
- Council of Pharmacy Schools: Australia and New Zealand (CPS)
- National Australian Pharmacy Students' Association (NAPSA)
- Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (PDL)
- Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA)
- Pharmacy Guild of Australia (PGA)
- Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA)
- Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA)
The Pharmacy Board of Australia is part of the APLF as an observer