Community Batteries Are Switched On In Illawarra

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

Switching on community batteries in Illawarra region

More community batteries have been switched on through the Community Batteries for Household Solar program.

New community batteries have been installed to power the homes of 600 residents across Dapto and Warrawong in the Illawarra region.

The batteries are funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) under the program.

The program enables Australians to store affordable solar energy for use during peak times, and to share excess power with other households in their area.

Community batteries have been growing in popularity across Australia. They help households and businesses to:

  • lower electricity bills
  • reduce emissions
  • reduce pressure on the electricity grid and improve reliability
  • support more households to install rooftop solar
  • allow households who cannot install solar panels to enjoy renewable energy.

In Dapto, 8 community batteries will support 300 residents. In Warrawong, 5 batteries will support another 300 households.

Solar and non-solar customers will be able to apply to use the batteries through the electricity retailer.

It is estimated households could save up to $400 a year.

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