Lithgow Mayor, Maree Statham has said that "Lithgow City Council is planning to build back better when public infrastructure is damaged."
The Council has invited the Wallerawang Lidsdale Progress Association to work collaboratively on this approach to the repair of playground equipment at Wallerawang.
In March this year vandalism required that the playground equipment in the Elizabeth Street Park in Wallerawang be closed.
Repair of the damage will cost more than $60,000 because softfall, edging and equipment replacements are needed. The Council has said that a decision needs to be made between undertaking the repair works, or providing better facilities. The Council has invited the Wallerawang Lidsdale Progress Association to work with it in determining the most effective way to deliver quality recreational opportunities to families in Wallerawang.
"I regret that it has taken some time to repair the damage to the Elizabeth Street playground," said Council's General Manager, Craig Butler. "We will improve how we communicate on temporary park closures in the future. While funds are now available to partially rebuild the facility, we want to discuss with the community whether the playground is in the best spot and is most appropriate for that community. By working with the Progress Association, we hope to work toward the best solution for Wallerawang."
Council will meet with the Progress Association in early August. Once a pathway forward has been determined, Council will communicate this with the local Wallerawang community.