Community, Council Unite for Cleaner Murrindindi Shire


Community members and Murrindindi Shire Council joined forces for Clean Up Australia Day events across Murrindindi Shire in early March. Local events were held on Sunday 2 March in Eildon, Glenburn, Kinglake West, Koriella, Molesworth, Taggerty, Toolangi and Yea, with a dedicated staff clean-up on Monday 4 March at Acheron Cutting and surrounding roadsides near Alexandra.

Council supported volunteer clean-up event organisers by providing bins and vouchers for our Resource Recovery Centres. We also reimbursed groups up to $100 for refreshments, provided the event was held on public land and registered on the Clean Up Australia Day website.

Council would like to thank the volunteers from Kinglake, Flowerdale, Strath Creek, Home Creek Spring Creek, Homewood and Cathedral Landcare Groups, and Friends of Marysville Walks for their outstanding efforts in cleaning up our Shire.

Council's Sustainability and Assets Portfolio Councillor Sue Carpenter said, "Every year volunteers, community groups and schools take part in Clean Up Australia Day across Murrindindi Shire, and I want to sincerely thank all who contributed to cleaning up our Shire this year."

"A wide variety of rubbish and recyclable materials were collected this year, including tyres, window frames, tent poles, vapes, cigarette lighters, car parts, shoes, beds (for both people and pets) and much more. The dedication of Murrindindi Shire volunteers has made a real difference to our environment, and I look forward to seeing even more volunteers next year."

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