Community Diagnostic Centres Explained

UK Gov

Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) are places you can get tests, checks and scans, faster and closer to home

What are community diagnostics centres?

Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) are places you can get tests, checks and scans, faster and closer to home.

They offer services like CT scans, blood tests, ultrasounds and X-rays quickly and easily and are right there in your community.

They're separate from the hospital and you might find them on the high street or in shopping centres.

What is the government doing to improve access to CDCs?

We're increasing opening hours at many CDCs across the country to 12 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can get appointments in the evenings or on the weekends.

You'll need to be referred for your appointment by your GP or hospital care team.

How are CDCs bringing down the NHS waiting list?

Longer opening hours mean more treatments, tests and scans for patients - with over two million more NHS appointments delivered since July.

This is helping to bring down waiting lists, and means thousands of patients have received vital scans, treatments, and consultations earlier than planned.

We are making sure patients can get back on with their lives and back to work sooner, and it is all part of our plan to deliver an NHS fit for the future.

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