Local groups now have the opportunity to appear before Council during community briefing sessions to present topics for discussion with the Councillor group.
All briefing sessions will be open to the public, taking place at West Gippsland Arts Centre from 3.30pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Local groups and organisations who are interested in participating, are encouraged to complete a short Expression of Interest form available on Council's website.
Councillors recently had the pleasure of hearing from Committee for Drouin at a briefing session. "The briefing session was a great opportunity for Council hear from the committee as they updated us on their recent advocacy works to support the town and the community", says Mayor Annemarie McCabe.
Briefing eligibility will be determined by an Expression of Interest process to ensure that proposed topics align with the Council Plan and are related to addressing an identified need or community benefit.
Successful applicants will be contacted by Council to schedule a presentation date and time. Each party will have 15 minutes to present and 15 minutes for questions and discussion with Council.
To learn more, please visit www.bawbawshire.vic.gov.au/CommunityBriefings
Quote attributable to Mayor Cr Annemarie McCabe
"Council is really looking forward to introducing community briefing sessions for the groups and organisations in our Shire.
The briefing sessions are just another one of Council's initiatives that provide an easy and accessible way for the community to chat with us, including Meet the Mayor Mondays and the Council Pop up Program.
I highly encourage groups to consider getting involved and make a presentation to Council and have an active voice in contributing to Council decisions."