City of Stonnington is preparing a new Domestic Animal Management Plan for 2021-2025.
The plan will provide a strategic approach and a framework for the delivery of animal management services across the municipality for the next four years, and aims to promote and encourage responsible pet ownership.
Under the requirements of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, every Victorian Council must prepare a Domestic Animal Management Plan that addresses a number of issues including the registration and identification of dogs and cats, laws, regulations and related legislation, over-population and euthanasia, as well as the management of nuisance animals and restricted breeds.
A public consultation period, that will enable the community to provide opinion, ideas and feedback, and enable City of Stonnington to better understand the changing needs of the community, will assist in informing the new plan. City of Stonnington residents are invited to contribute to the development of the plan, by filling out a short survey.