Who better to design a bike park than the riders who use it?
That's the conclusion Surf Coast Shire Council reached in resolving to work with a design prepared by community members for the upgrade to the Bob Pettitt Reserve Bike Park in Jan Juc.
Council made the decision at its December Council meeting and in doing so had to weigh up the benefits of such an approach whilst taking a responsible approach to public safety.
Local young riders have been involved in the design well supported by members of the Surf Coast Mountain Bike Club and Anglesea Bike Park Committee.
Council will engage a local contractor to do the site works, with oversight and support of some skilled volunteers, according to the design laid out by community members.
Surf Coast Shire Councillor Mike Bodsworth, a former member of the Anglesea Bike Park Community Asset Committee, said a community led approach had many benefits.
"When riders have a say in the design we can be more confident the bike park will be valued and meet the needs of the local riding community, as opposed to a bike park that isn't sufficiently challenging, which can soon lose its appeal," said Cr Bodsworth.
"If the new design meets people needs we are much less likely to see examples of unsanctioned rider built jumps springing up in other locations.
"There is also a greater sense of ownership where riders have been involved in a park's development and that translates into not just higher user numbers but ongoing care for the site," he said.
In order to manage the potential liability associated with a community-led design Council set certain criteria for the design and construction, including:
No jumps with gaps
Jump height limited to 1.3 metres
Jump lines to be clear and separate
Jumps to be constructed from clean quality fill and well compacted
Ride testing to be carried out at stages throughout the construction
Advisory signage on site
Ongoing monitoring and maintenance plan
Council resolved in August 2021 to re-direct $30,000 from the Local Roads and Community
Infrastructure funding program and allocate an additional $20,000 to upgrade an under-utilised existing bike park at Bob Pettitt Reserve.
The new design will incorporate tree planting to screen the park from the road and adjacent houses, whilst new seating and pathways will link the bike park to the existing skate park and new performance space at Bob Pettitt Reserve.