Community Safety Roundtable

City of Port Phillip
More than 20 service providers and Victoria Police representatives attended the Community Safety Roundtable convened by our Council on 19 March.

Their organisations are:

First Step

Housing First

South Port Community Housing Group

Launch Housing

St Kilda Community Housing

Ngwala Willumbong Aboriginal Corporation

Port Phillip Community Group

Sacred Heart Mission

Better Health Network


Salvation Army / Access Health

Alfred Health

South Port Community Legal

Southside Justice

Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association

Neighbourhood Justice Centre

Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association

Victoria Police.

All of these organisations play an invaluable role in supporting people experiencing homelessness and the safety and amenity of our City and we appreciate their time and openness in discussing what more our Council can do to make our community safer.

This involved identifying actions, collaborations, services gaps and opportunities to improve safety for all in our City.

Councillors attended the final session to hear first-hand the ideas raised.

The participants' conversations, ideas and submissions will inform Roundtable Chair Ian Gray's report, expected to be tabled at a Council Meeting on 21 May to be released for public comment.

The Roundtable is one input to the new, wide-ranging Community Safety Plan (CSP) we are developing. Formal community engagement will start in late May as we want everyone to have their say as we are eager for our community's views to inform the Plan. This will include in-person and online opportunities including surveys, workshops and pop-ups.

We understand the strong community interest in community safety and will continue to keep you updated.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.