Campaspe Shire Council endorsed a Community Satisfaction Survey Action Plan at last night's Council meeting. The Action Plan follows discussion at the May Council meeting where Council authorised the development of an action plan to address the lower scoring results of Campaspe Shire Council's 2022-23 Community Satisfaction Survey results.
Campaspe Shire Mayor Rob Amos said that Council was committed to addressing the low performing areas from the 2023 survey as well as its corporate communications approach.
"This document contains a series of initiatives and outcomes that Council will deliver over 2023 -2024 aimed at improving communication, infrastructure development, and emergency management within the community.
"Many of these projects are already underway, and their inclusion in the Action Plan is part of Council's commitment to ensure transparency, enhance community engagement, and provide quality services to its residents," Cr Amos said.
Key areas of the Action Plan include:
- Review of Council's Communications Strategy to ensure its relevance in educating the community about the functions and services Council provides.
- Pre-paid postcards for letterbox dropping after the completion of local projects, giving residents an opportunity to provide feedback on how the project was communicated and delivered.
- Review the customer experience journey including updated systems and increased training for staff to improve customer interactions.
- Several road projects will be undertaken, including the completion of the Toolleen Axedale Road widening project, continuation of the Rushworth Streetscape renewal project, road resheeting and resealing programs.
- Review of the gravel roads maintenance program to incorporate a "zoned grading" approach and leverage newly purchased plant and equipment for increased efficiency.
- Review of the Road Management Plan to enhance road infrastructure management
- Complete storm water pump well renewal at Colbinabbin and Echuca.
- Complete the Integrated Water Management project at the Echuca Aquatic Reserve drainage basin.
- Investigate and renew high priority rural drainage culverts in accordance with adopted budget.
- Complete a review of the drainage inspection procedure.
Footpaths & Shared Paths
- Complete the construction of Breen Avenue Shared User Path in Kyabram and the Waranga Rail Trail in Rushworth.
- Undertake a review of the shared path network and wayfinding signs across the shire.
- Commence preliminary investigation and detailed design for the Riverboat Dock to Victoria Park shared path.
- Complete the construction of the Echuca East Recreation Reserve pump bike track.
Public Toilets
- Renew three existing public toilet facilities located in Rushworth, Rochester and Echuca.
Emergency Management
- A comprehensive review of Campaspe Shire Council's response during the flood, including community consultation and engagement exercises, will be conducted, with an open report containing actionable steps to be released.
- Establishment of the Rochester Recovery Hub for a period of two years to provide access to services and support for the community in the post-flood period.
- Improvement of Council's internal preparedness for an emergency, including its Emergency Management structure, policies and procedures.
- Establishment of a Municipal Recovery Committee, comprised of community members and agency staff, to guide the recovery process.
"Council is eager for these Action Plan projects to be swiftly implemented, and is committed to creating meaningful change, improving infrastructure and serving the community," Cr Amos said.
A copy of the Action Plan can be viewed here.