Minimising spectators at Community Sport
Sport and recreation organisations are now required to 'take all reasonable steps to minimise the number of spectators attending community sport events'.
All community sport organisations must put plans in place to minimise community sport spectators where practical, to parents and carers only.
Unfortunately this means we'd prefer no aunties and uncles, grandparents or siblings crowding the sidelines if they don't need to be there.
What do organisations need to do?
Community sport and recreation organisations will need to update their COVID-19 Safety Plans detailing the actions that will be put in place to address these additional requirements.
We are asking that all community sport organisers put plans in place to minimise community sport spectators to parents and carers only where practical. Measures that could be used to assist with implementing this may include:
• Limiting entry to indoor facilities and fenced venues to one person per participant at junior sport where practical
• Restricting spectator entry at adult community sport
• Distributing communications to participant databases via e-newsletters, social media and organisations' websites reinforcing that only parents and carers should attend community sports activities where possible
• Increasing signage in venue carparks and common entry points at outdoor venues
• Making PA announcements at venues reminding people to minimise spectators to parents and carers where possible.
Current Restrictions from NSW Government website:
For community sporting activities that involve more than 20 participants, the organiser must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan.
• Participants include players, people who are training, officials and spectators.
• The maximum number of participants at a community sporting activity must not exceed 500 participants.
• Record keeping for spectators must take place for all ticketed community sporting activities.