Concept planning is underway for a significant upgrade to the Tea Gardens sewer network, after a successful consultant was appointed to the project in May.
Over the coming months options will be explored to decide the best route for a new rising main that will direct sewage from Tea Gardens directly to the Hawks Nest Sewage Treatment Plant, which is also set for an upgrade. The new main will relieve pressure on the existing network and significantly reduce the risk of sewer overflows occurring during wet weather events. A new transfer pump station will also be constructed at the existing vacuum sewer station off Spinifex Way.
Council's Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott, said selecting the best route for the rising main was an essential part of the project.
"We know there are a range of social, financial and environmental factors that have to be considered before we decide on a preferred route," he said.
"Ultimately, we're looking for the option that has the least impact on residents and the environment while also providing good value for money."
Information sessions will be held in Tea Gardens once the options have been assessed and a preferred route has been identified. Dates and locations for these sessions will be provided to the community once they have been confirmed.
The concept design is expected to be completed by early December, with detailed design due to start in February.