Concerns For Missing Elderly Woman Mingchu

Police are appealing for public assistance to help locate missing Dandenong North woman Mingchu.

The 80-year-old was last seen by a family member at her Dandenong North home at 5.30am yesterday.

It's not known exactly what time Mingchu left her address but it's believed she was on foot.

Police and family are concerned for her welfare as she has dementia and speaks little English.

Mingchu is described as Asian in appearance, about 155cm with a thin build and short grey hair.

She may be wearing a brown checkered top and carrying green shopping bags.

Police have released an image of Mingchu in the hope someone recognises her and can provide information regarding her current whereabouts.

Anyone who sights Mingchu or with information is urged to contact Dandenong Police Station on 03 9767 9444.

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