Connecting Victorians With Mobile And Internet Coverage

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government is improving connectivity for Victorians, with more than 725 mobile and internet projects now completed across the state.

The recently completed TPG mobile tower in Kilsyth is providing more than 8 km2 of improved 4G and 5G coverage to over 4,350 households, and marks the halfway point for the Labor Government's Connecting Victoria program, which is delivering more than 1,200 mobile projects and 150 broadband projects.

The locations for the new towers were chosen based on feedback from people living across the state, to make sure they address the biggest connectivity gaps and make the biggest impact on communities and businesses.

The new Kilsyth tower - built by Indara and operated by TPG - will provide the local community with improved coverage so they can work, study, and keep in touch with loved ones.

Reliable mobile and internet coverage is essential for communities to access emergency services and check on family during emergencies.

While the Commonwealth is responsible for telecommunications services in Australia, the Allan Labor Government continues to invest in mobile and internet infrastructure to address connectivity gaps in regional communities.

Connecting Victoria is the single largest investment in mobile and internet infrastructure made by any state.

Find out more about Connecting Victoria at

As stated by Minister for Government Services Natalie Hutchins

"Communities across Victoria need reliable coverage to stay connected with family, work and study - that's why we've completed over 725 mobile and internet projects across the state, with hundreds more on the way."

As stated by Indara Interim CEO Michael Ferguson

"Through partnerships with government, mobile network operators, and local councils, we're thrilled to accelerate a digitised future for Victorian communities by delivering the critical infrastructure across the state."

As stated by TPG Telecom General Manager Wireless Access Networks David Yeo

"TPG Telecom is proud to support the continued improvement of essential mobile services in the Yarra Ranges and to have reached the important halfway mark on the Connecting Victoria project."

As stated by Optus Managing Director Networks Tony Baird

"Optus is proud to support the Connecting Victoria program, and we will continue to invest in high-quality network services, delivering vital connectivity to communities across Victoria."

As stated by NBN Co Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Will Irving

"We are incredibly proud of NBN Co's involvement in the Connecting Victoria Program, which will help ensure the NBN continues to meet Australia's rapidly growing needs."

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