Conservation Area To Preserve Historic Aesthetic

Lake Macquarie City Council

The plan aims to protect the village aesthetic of Holmesville and West Wallsend.jpg

Future development within West Wallsend and Holmesville Heritage Conservation Area will be in keeping with the rustic village aesthetic after Lake Macquarie City Council adopted a planning proposal to protect its heritage values at tonight's meeting.

The plan will ensure any new development considers the area's heritage values – primarily related to its mining history.

It will also prevent unsuitable demolitions and new exempt or complying developments that disregard the local context.

The targeted development controls echo those already applied to Heritage Conservation Areas in Catherine Hill Bay and Teralba.

Lake Macquarie Mayor Adam Shultz said the plan offered a logical and consistent approach across the city's three heritage conservation areas.

"Council has a responsibility to protect items of local significance and to recognise, value and protect Lake Macquarie's heritage," he said.

"This plan will better protect the heritage value of the area and guide appropriate development in these historic suburbs."

The plan will extend the West Wallsend Heritage Conservation Area to include the West Wallsend colliery and parts of Holmesville, reduce maximum new building heights in select areas and revise the boundary of the heritage area.

Submissions received during public exhibition resulted in some changes to the revised area plan.

Council also recommended the North Creek Flood Study and Teralba Reserve Plan of Management for adoption following their respective public exhibition periods.

"With Council now owning the Teralba Reserve site, adopting the plan of management ensures the reserve remains a community focused site for both recreation and reflection of those have passed," Mayor Adam said.

"I understand the plan addresses community feedback from public exhibition in late 2024."

The full agenda and reports are available at meeting agendas and minutes.

The stream of tonight's meeting will be available online at within 48 hours.

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