Tenders are invited by Orange City Council from suitably qualified Consultants for the preparation of a Business Case for the Bloomfield Health Precinct.
Orange City Council has secured funding to engage a consultant to prepare a business case that sets out how to unlock the Bloomfield Heath Precinct (Precinct) for future low, medium and high-density development.
The primary purpose of the business case is to illustrate a future vision and high-level strategy that coordinates land use, public space and infrastructure to create a built environment and urban landscape that supports a thriving, innovative and connected Precinct.
The Precinct is expected to experience unprecedented growth over the next 30 years, with the potential to contribute to Local and State economic prosperity, while at the same time placing additional pressure on infrastructure, transport networks and human capital. Accordingly, integrated planning of infrastructure and capacity building projects are essential to ensure that growth is not constrained by existing infrastructure and capacity.
Closing date: 10:00am Thursday 28 July 2023. Details are available on Tenderlink.