Consultation Begins on Maternal, Child Health & Immunisations

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Campaspe Shire Council is seeking to understand the opinions and views on what matters most to the users of Council provided Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and Immunisation services.

Council has decided to explore and consult on current and possible alternative service delivery models for both the MCH and immunisation services in order to gain valuable insights to ensure that expectations are being met and importantly, quality, safety and ease of access to complimentary or referral services is logical and accessible.

Council is the service provider for the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Service at 10 locations across the shire and the immunisation service which is carried out at 8 locations.

Campaspe Shire Mayor, Cr Daniel Mackrell said there has been no decision for Council to make any change to these services at this time, but that Council had determined to consult with user groups and the community to understand views regarding the current services provided, and possible alternate service delivery arrangements.

"The decision to explore alternate delivery models is driven by the desire to optimise outcomes for families and children who are the prime users of MCH, and the wider community in relation to immunisation services. We have teams of highly skilled and experienced staff, however there are certain aspects related to delivering health and clinical services that are sometimes difficult for Local Government organisations to meet," Cr Mackrell said.

Cr Mackrell said Council's prime focus was ensuring quality health and family services are available to Campaspe communities, and that Council has a sincere and active interest in always striving to improve the region for residents across a range of services.

"Across Victoria there are various models in place that include delivery by health services and other specialised providers who are considered best placed to minimise risk and optimise efficiency while delivering a continuum of care with wrap around support and care pathways – we simply want to explore those while talking with our service users to hear what works for them and understand their needs," Cr Mackrell said.

Consultation and engagement regarding Council's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and Immunisation Services is now underway, with a survey for each service open on Council's website, . Current MCH service users will have the survey link sent to them via SMS. Service users and Campaspe residents can complete one or both surveys which will remain open until midnight, on Monday 21 April 2025.

Additionally, Council will be engaging with other service providers to garner information and experience.

"We are very keen to gather information, so I urge service users and residents to take the survey so we can get a full picture of user opinions and views," Cr Mackrell said.

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