Consultation on City of Stonnington Governance Rules

The City of Stonnington's Governance Rules determine the way in which the Council will:

  • make decisions:
    • in the best interests of the Stonnington community;
    • fairly and on the merits of the matter before the Council; and
    • in a way that ensures any person whose rights will be directly affected by any or all decisions will be entitled to communicate their views and have their interests considered;
  • elect a Mayor and Deputy Mayor;
  • conduct meetings of the Council and Delegated Committees;
  • give notice and make recordings of meetings;
  • be informed in its decisions making through community engagement and Council officer reports;
  • require the disclosure of all Councillor and management conflicts of interest; and
  • apply rules for the conduct of the Council and Councillors during the Election Period.

We're proposing to make some revisions to our current Governance Rules (last amended in July 2021) and are seeking feedback on the proposed revisions.

These proposed revisions are outlined in detail on our Connect Stonnington engagement site. Please note that this engagement covers only the proposed revisions, and not the other sections of the Governance Rules.

Read through the proposed revisions and provide feedback by Tuesday 16 August.

Visit Connect Stonnington

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