Consultation Open On Amendments To Legislation

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is seeking feedback on the draft Justice and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2025.

The Bill seeks to amend a number of Acts in a bid to streamline administrative and out-dated processes.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Guy Barnett, said that ensuring legislation is fit-for-purpose is a must in this modern day and age.

"As our society, technology and way of life continues to evolve, it's important that our legislation keeps pace," the Attorney-General said.

"We are seeking to make a number of amendments which will improve the lives of everyday Tasmanians by removing regulatory burden.

"The amendments to the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013 will implement Recommendation 19.6 of the Commission of Inquiry, ensuring there is greater clarity around the avenues for Tasmanians who wish to make a voluntary notification of reportable behaviour to the Registrar.

"Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is driven by good legislation – we're working hard to deliver on this vision."

A copy of the Bill, to understand the amendments and details on how to make a submission are available on the Department of Justice website.

Submissions in response to the Bill close on 2 March 2025.

Subject to the outcomes of the consultation process it is anticipated the Bill will be introduced before the end of the Parliamentary year.

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