Continuity Of Community Services At Hobsons Bay


Acting CEO Rachel Sarah Lunn has commenced a range of measures to ensure that core services at Hobsons Bay City Council continue, that good governance is in place and that Council continues to serve the best interests of its community.

The Acting CEO has appointed former Local Government CEO Lenny Jenner to the temporary role of Acting Manager, Corporate Integrity. External local government expert Ingrid Bishop has been temporarily appointed as Acting Director Corporate Services. Local Government Victoria have approved both Ingrid and Lenny to its governance appointment candidate pool for Council Monitor and Administrator roles. Matthew Irving continues as Director Infrastructure and City Services. Equally experienced and qualified internal officers have also stepped into temporary acting appointments, including Steven Sagona in the role of Acting Director Sustainable Communities.

The Ordinary Council Meeting of 25 February 2025 will continue as scheduled. Core Council services such as city cleaning and waste collection, development control, local laws, and customer and community services have not been impacted by the current circumstances.

Council has already commenced investigations into a range of concerns and is cooperating with integrity agencies including WorkSafe and the Local Government Inspectorate on their examinations and investigations. Councillors cannot receive or consider complaints.

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