An enthusiastic contingent of leaders, students and alumni from the University of Houston is heading to Austin on Tuesday, Feb. 11 for UH Day at the Capitol, a chance to highlight the University's legislative priorities and showcase its positive impact on the State of Texas.
"UH Day at the Capitol is a powerful opportunity for us to engage directly with state legislators, celebrate our achievements and educate them about the key priorities that will drive the University forward," said Jason Smith, vice president for government and community relations at UH. "By working together, we can ensure continued success for our students, faculty, staff and the entire UH community."
The University of Houston's top legislative priorities for 2025 include:
- Increased Formula Funding - The UH System encourages the Legislature to adopt the recommendations from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board which would significantly alleviate the inflation-driven financial pressures on our universities and help them keep the cost of attendance affordable.
- Equal Funding for Health-Related Programs - The UH System supports the recommendations of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in the initiation of a health care workforce program supplement to help equalize funding health-related programs at General Academic Institutions, ensuring all students receive the resources and support they need for their educational endeavors.
- Higher Education Fund (HEF) - The HEF is critical in addressing deferred maintenance for aging buildings and funding for new facilities at our universities. The UH System requests that the Legislature prioritize funding for the HEF appropriation and adopt the allocation methodology recommended by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
- Financial Aid/TEXAS Grants - Many students in our universities work multiple jobs to finance their education while relying heavily on financial aid, and without increased investment in state-supported financial aid, they may face insurmountable barriers to completing their degrees. Providing TEXAS grants for eligible students will allow those with the greatest financial need to attend public universities in our state.
- Capital Construction Assistance Projects (CCAPs) - To continue meeting the educational needs of our growing student population, the UH System is requesting that the Legislature authorize new CCAPs, including funding for projects that were either omitted or received inadequate support in the last CCAP-related legislation.
- Hazlewood Exemptions - The UH System remains fully committed to supporting veterans and their families by expanding access to higher education opportunities, so we are requesting that the Legislature either maintain the current level of funding for the Hazlewood Legacy Program or increase funding to cover 100% of the Legacy Program costs at institutions.
The 89th Texas Legislative Session convened on Tuesday, January 14, and will run for 140 days until June 2.