Cook Government Delivering On What Matters For Peel

  • 2024-25 State Budget delivers cost of living relief for Peel
  • Major investments in regional housing, health services and infrastructure
  • Jobs and training to support stronger futures and diversify regional economies
  • More than $4 billion delivered through Royalties for Regions program

The Cook Labor Government is doing what's right for Peel, with the 2024-25 State Budget delivering significant cost of living relief while investing in health facilities and services, housing, quality jobs and targeted training programs.

The 2024-25 State Budget is focused on WA's regions, with a record $12.8 billion investment in regional infrastructure, and billions more to fund regional service delivery.

More than $4 billion in Royalties for Regions funding will go towards projects which enrich regional communities, ensuring they remain great places to live, work and raise a family.

Western Australians living in Peel will benefit from the Cook Government's massive $762 million investment in cost of living relief measures, which includes:

  • $492.4 million to provide a $400 electricity credit for every WA household and eligible small businesses;
  • $103.5 million WA Student Assistance Payment initiative, including a $25.8 million regional allocation, to provide $150 or $250 for every WA school student, easing the pressure of school expenses; and
  • $20.3 million to increase the value of the Regional Pensioner Travel Card by $100 to $675, reducing transport costs for eligible pensioners in the regions.

This cost of living support to regional families is on top of the Cook Government's $3 billion commitment over the next four years to subsidise the cost of providing water and electricity to regional Western Australians, to keep services affordable for everyone.

The Cook Government is supporting improved and expanded housing options across the State, with a total investment of $1.1 billion in housing and homelessness services, including:

  • $400 million for social and affordable housing projects, including in the regions;
  • $60 million for a Regional Community Housing Grants Program, to support community housing providers to deliver new dwellings or refurbish existing dwellings; and
  • $20.7 million in additional funding for the Mandurah Common Ground facility, which will deliver permanent, supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness.

Health facilities will be upgraded, and programs to secure staff will be continued, to ensure Western Australians have access to world class healthcare, regardless of where they live.

The Cook Government is investing $3.2 billion investment in health, including funding to bring health services back in public hands at Peel Health Campus from August 2024. In addition, enabling works will begin later this year on the redevelopment.

The Cook Government is focused on diversifying regional economies and creating quality local jobs. This includes investments of:

  • $500 million for a new Strategic Industries Fund to transform WA's industrial areas into major job-creating hubs;
  • $1.1 billion in training programs across regional WA, to prepare Western Australians for the jobs of the future;
  • $8 million to extend the highly successful Fee Free TAFE program through the 2025 training year;
  • $16.4 million over the next three years for biosecurity management; and
  • $36.4 million to slash green tape and facilitate approvals for job-creating projects in the regions.

Country roads and regional transport infrastructure will be upgraded, with a $6.4 billion investment. Key regional transport initiatives include:

  • $169 million in additional funding for regional roads, which forms part of a $4.5billion investment in regional roads over the next four years; and
  • $11.6million for the Driving Access and Equity Program, improving access to driving services, instructors and vehicles, including to pilot the program in Peel.

The 2024-25 State Budget will continue to build safe, strong and fair regional communities. Key initiatives include:

  • $46.3 million to continue the successful Home Stretch WA program, which provides support for young people leaving Out of Home Care, including in the regions;
  • $96.4 million for programs for family and domestic violence across WA, including $26.4 million specifically for regional initiatives;
  • $3.2 million to complete the Dawesville Community Centre; and
  • $7.7 million for various metropolitan and regional career fire and rescue service stations, including $4.9 million to provide firefighters with gender-separate facilities and $2.8 million to install post-incident hygiene showers.

The Cook Government is committed to encouraging Western Australians to explore the State's great outdoors, while supporting regional local businesses. Regional initiatives across the State in the Budget's Outdoor and Adventure Tourism package include:

  • $69.6million towards boating and maritime facilities;
  • $36 million for trails and other recreational facilities, including $8 million for the Peel Regional Trails Program; and
  • $14.9 million to deliver a range of new and upgraded campgrounds, including $1.9 million to upgrade popular camping spots in the Peel region, such as the Nanga and Murray Riverside campgrounds at Lane Poole Reserve.

For more information, visit

As stated by Premier Roger Cook:

"This Budget delivers on my Government's commitment to always do what's right for Peel residents.

"We are focused on providing real cost of living relief, with a major investment to ease the pressure on families in our regions.

"Regional WA props up our nation's economy, and this Budget delivers measures that will drive regional economic growth, diversify regional economies and create jobs for our kids in the regions.

"There's also major funding for programs which enhance regional centres, ensuring they remain great places to live, work and raise a family for generations to come."

As stated by Regional Development Minister Don Punch:

"Western Australia's regions are the heart of our State, and the Cook Government is committed to seeing them thrive.

"We want to ensure that every Western Australian has access to great housing, healthcare, and opportunities to grow regardless of where they live.

"Our responsible financial management means we are in a position to invest in our regions, with billions of dollars flowing into these areas as part of the 2024-25 State Budget.

"From enhanced tourism infrastructure to community safety measures, and programs which diversify regional economies, this Budget delivers on what matters for regional Western Australians."

Comments attributed to Mandurah MLA David Templeman:

"Our Government is continuing its record of investing in what matters to the people in our community.

"It is thanks to the Cook Labor Government's responsible financial management that we can deliver significant cost of living relief for Mandurah families, provide major investment in housing and health, and deliver on our commitments in the region."

Comments attributed to Murray-Wellington MLA Robyn Clarke:

"This Budget delivers significant cost of living relief for Murray-Wellington residents, while providing strong investment to help diversify our local economy.

"We're investing in what is important to our community, strengthening the services, support and opportunities for locals."

Comments attributed to Dawesville MLA Lisa Munday:

"Supporting the community is important to me and I'm pleased that we are once again helping with cost of living and providing relief to Dawesville residents.

"Through this Budget, we're providing a major boost to housing, health and training for the Dawesville community and progressing significant projects for our region."

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