Cool Heads 2025 - Set To Educate On Road Safety

Vicki Richardson Cool Heads

The annual 'Cool Heads' road safety event will take place at Club Corowa on Wednesday 19 March from 10am to 12pm. This free event is open to the public and aims to educate young drivers on road safety.
Approximately 75 students from Rutherglen and Corowa High Schools will hear from a range of speakers, including:
  • Local Police Sergeants: Providing valuable insights and advice on road safety.
  • Volunteer Rescue Association: Sharing their firsthand experience of road accidents.
  • Vicki Richardson: A long-time road safety advocate, sharing her poignant story of loss following the tragic death of her daughter due to distracted driving.
  • Tom Mitten: Coordinator of the L2P program for Indigo Shire Council, offering valuable insights into learner driver programs.
'Cool Heads' has been held annually since 2011, with key takeaways in previous years emphasizing the dangers of:
- Don't text and drive;

- Speeding;

- Distractions; and

- Pay attention to your surroundings.

The event brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including Victorian Police, Rutherglen Neighbourhood Watch, Federation Council, NSW Police, the Don't-txt-n-drive Foundation, Corowa High School, and Rutherglen High School, to deliver a powerful message on road safety.
Federation Council Mayor, Cr Cheryl Cook, said road safety is a critical issue, especially for our young drivers. "The 'Cool Heads' event provides a vital platform for students to hear directly from experts and those with lived experience about the consequences of unsafe driving," she said. "We are proud to support this initiative, which plays a significant role in promoting responsible driving habits and saving lives."
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