Cooma Showground Safety Work: End-of-Life Trees Removed

An overhead aerial image with the trees in question highlighted

Nine trees will be removed along the western edge of Cooma Showground from the middle of next month, with the ornamental non-native species reaching the end of their safe useful life expectancy (SULE) this year. All of the trees removed will be replaced with new plantings.

SULE is a standardised measure used in civic planning to ensure decorative plants are safe, healthy, and beneficial to the public spaces in which they are planted.

These grant-funded public safety works begin mid-April 2025 and will see six cottonwoods and three willows removed.

One additional cottonwood tree will be pruned and have dead limbs removed.

Community groups and organisations that use Cooma Showground will be invited to work with Council to develop the replanting program that will determine species, placement, and numbers for the future replacement tree plantings.

Essential information
Start date:Mid-April 2025, weather permitting
Location:Western edge of Cooma Showground
Trees affected:Six cottonwoods (Populus deltoides), three willows (Salix babylonica)
Reason:End of safe useful life expectancy (SULE)
Additional work:Pruning and dead limb removal affecting one cottonwood tree

A map of the works area is available online at, by clicking the link in the related documents sections of this page, or embedded in the article below on supported devices.

Walkers and cyclists can expect minor delays and disruptions along the showground pathway while these works are underway.

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