Greater Shepparton City Council adopted the Shepparton and Mooroopna 2050: Regional City Growth Plan (the Growth Plan) at a Special Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 30 March 2021.

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA), in partnership with Council, prepared the Growth Plan to inform and guide the sustainable development of Shepparton and Mooroopna over the next 30 years. The Growth Plan outlines key principles and strategic objectives to address issues such as liveability, land supply, urban renewal, infrastructure, transport and water consumption.
The Growth Plan identifies new residential and industrial framework plans for the Shepparton, Mooroopna and Kialla urban areas, to guide urban development until 2050. The framework plans will be used to prepare future, more detailed, local and structure plans, planning permit applications and more, and will assist Council in advocating for funding to deliver infrastructure to support sustainable growth in these areas.
Community feedback was at the forefront of developing the Growth Plan, with the community having their say on an Issues and Opportunities Paper in early 2019 and, a Draft Growth Plan in September 2019.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 August 2020, Council resolved to defer the adoption of the Growth Plan to allow time for additional consultation with the Greater Shepparton community. A total of 79 submissions were received during this additional community consultation period, while 22 submitters verbally presented the contents of their submissions to Council.
Thirteen major themes emerged from these submissions, including:
- Supply and demand;
- Land east of Doyles Road and the north-south expansion of Shepparton;
- Former Radio Australia site;
- Mooroopna – rezoning land to the Rural Living Zone;
- Kialla Central Growth Corridor;
- Kialla Raceway Development;
- Kialla West Growth Corridor;
- Rezoning requests;
- Former Mooroopna Hospital site;
- Funding / staging for arterial road upgrades;
- Greater Shepparton Secondary College (GSSC);
- Shepparton North Activity Centre; and
- Flood controls.
All submissions were considered by Council and numerous changes were made to the Growth Plan based on this feedback.
Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O'Keeffe, said the Growth Plan is an important document that will guide the long term future of Shepparton and Mooroopna.
"The Growth Plan sets the vision for Shepparton and Mooroopna to be a thriving regional city that supports the social and economic wellbeing of residents and businesses, and embraces our natural environment. After several months of additional community consultation, Council and the VPA are confident that the growth plan sets a comprehensive framework to achieve this vision sustainably up to the year 2050" she said.
"The finalisation of the Growth Plan is a significant milestone to ensure Shepparton and Mooroopna's true potential as a thriving regional city is realised. The plan will ensure the growing city uses its strengths and unique amenity to unlock sustainable growth and development," VPA Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Moseley, said.
The adoption of the Growth Plan will enable Council to begin the process of preparing a planning scheme amendment to have the Growth Plan's findings and recommendations implemented into the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme, where it can then begin to influence all planning decisions across Shepparton, Mooroopna and Kialla. Any planning scheme amendment is expected to be exhibited in mid to late 2021, and will involve further community consultation as part of the exhibition process and take 12-18 months to complete.