East Gippsland Shire Council has been granted $1.2 million by the Federal Government's National Emergency Management Agency to enhance disaster preparedness and community resilience.
The Disaster Ready Fund grant will be used to extend Council's current projects aimed at advancing disaster preparedness and resilience in collaboration with communities across the shire.
The project will provide access to:
· A user-friendly dashboard on Council's website for all disaster readiness and emergency management information.
· A climate risk assessment tool that will provide information down to a local asset level to assist with property preparedness and protection, insurance, utilities and public asset planning and protection.
These tools will empower communities, residents, visitors and organisations to make informed decisions before, during and after emergencies, and in a changing climate.
The funding will also enhance community preparedness by ensuring that additional assembly areas identified in Local Incident Management Plans have reliable independent power. This will build on previous work to ember-proof community facilities and improve internet connectivity resilience through the Strengthening Telecommunications Against Natural Disasters (STAND)program.
"We're thrilled to receive this funding from the Disaster Ready Fund," Mayor Cr Mark Reeves said.
"The improvements will bolster our disaster-preparedness efforts and contribute to the overall safety of our communities during times of crisis. By working closely with our communities and Community Recovery Committees we have designed a project that will address the specific needs of our communities and develop effective strategies to mitigate the impact of natural hazards," Cr Reeves said.
The Disaster Ready Fund, established by the Australian Government, aims to improve resilience and reduce the risk of natural disasters. Government modelling has found that for every dollar spent on disaster-risk reduction, there is an estimated $9.60 return on investment.
The project funded in East Gippsland is estimated to take three years to roll out. Council will collaborate closely with individuals, local groups and stakeholders in delivering the project.
"We're eager to commence this transformative project and strengthen our shire's resilience to natural disasters," Cr Reeves said.