The new conservatorium, a greyhoud track proposal and a plan to keep cool in Summer were all on the agenda of the 17 October Council meeting. Here's a quick summary of key decisions.
Council awards tender for Conservatorium
Work to build a new home for the Orange Regional Conservatorium (ORC) and Planetarium is set to begin in the coming months after last night's Orange City Council meeting agreed to contribute up to $18.5 million to fund a shortfall in grants.
The project includes:
- a 275-seat auditorium (with capacity built in for additional 48 seats or additional stage)
- a 65-seat planetarium auditorium
- 40 practice studios and rehearsal spaces
- front and back of house facilities including main lobby, bar and kitchen
- office space, amenities and ancillary spaces
- The first work will involve site preparation on the land north of the Orange Regional Gallery
The budget for the $33.5 million project is shared between:
- the Australian Government's Community Development Grants program ($10 million)
- the NSW Government's Creative Capital Funding program ($5 million)
- Orange City Council (up to $18.5 million)
The 17 October meeting decided to fund a shortfall of up to $18.5 million from:
- the proceeds of selling the current Conservatorium site in Hill Street
- the proceeds from other property sales, and
- a combination of external borrowings and internal borrowings
Council to talk with the community about where to keep cool
Orange City Council will promote ways for local residents to keep cool this Summer , following a decision at last night's Council meeting.
The meeting backed a motion put forward by Cr David Mallard asking for Council to promote when Council facilities can be used as places of cool refuge during periods of hot weather.
Council declines offer to establish new greyhound track
Last night's Council meeting has declined an offer from the Greyhound Breeders Owners and Trainers Association to build a Greyhound Centre of Excellence at the former trotting track located at 32 Perc Griffin Way Orange.
The meeting also authorised the CEO to enter ongoing negotiations with the association.
In March this year the Council passed a motion deciding to work with Greyhound Racing NSW and the Greyhound Breeders, Owners and Trainers Association to establish a Greyhound track and precinct in Orange.
Last night's meeting considered a report about the details of a proposal from the Association.
The matter was considered in a closed session of the meeting along with other matters where confidential commercial matters are discussed and decided, including awarding the tender for the new Conservatorium.
Bid to bring future 'Bush Summit' to Orange
Orange City Council will contact organisers of the Bush Summit events to investigate whether the event can be held in Orange in the future.
The action follows a motion put to last night's Council meeting by Cr Glenn Floyd.
The Bush Summit is a series of annual conferences, organised by the News Corp media organisation since 2019. The conferences aim to achieve better outcomes, improve services and identify new opportunities for rural communities to present to federal and state governments.
Planning matters
Last night's Council meeting gave planning approval for:
- a proposal to build a $8.9 million motel on the corner of Peisley and March Street, on the site of the former Tip Top bakery. The development includes plans to build an 80-room motel with a main reception building also comprising a guest breakfast bar and amenities. The proposed development will provide 80 carparking internal spaces in the buildings. The meeting gave the motel proposal a 'Deferred Commencement' consent. Instead of waiting for contamination issues on the site to be rectified before planning approval is given, the consent lets work continue but requires the contamination issues to be completed before the motel can operate.
- a proposal to build an attached dual occupancy dwelling on a vacant lot in Kurim Avenue, Glenroi