Council Backs Funding Bid, OKs Co-contribution

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At a Special Council Meeting last night (12/03) Central Goldfields Shire Councillors renewed its commitment to the re-opening of the Maryborough Olympic Outdoor Pool Complex.

Councillors supported a $3 million funding application to the Victorian Government's Regional Community Sports and Infrastructure Fund and approved a co-contribution of $1.5 million ($150,000 in the 2025-26 Annual Budget and $1.35 million in future borrowings in the 2026-27 Annual Budget).

The funding application includes a new, extended project scope and a staged approach to the project.

Central Goldfields Shire Mayor Cr Grace La Vella said it was another proactive, positive step towards the re-opening of this heritage-listed, much-loved community asset.

"We know our community would love to see the Maryborough Olympic Outdoor Pool Complex rebuilt and re-opened for the community to use once again.

"Council wants this for the community too – but the reality is it isn't going to happen overnight. As a small rural Council – we are not in a financial position to fund the project alone. It is outside our financial capability to fund the project without Federal and State Government funding.

"The State Government have advised us, that, in order to give our funding application, the best chance of being successful, it must include equal access upgrades and show strong community support.

"They also advised it would be unlikely that they would fund the project in its entirety and suggested the project be staged.

"So, to give ourselves the best chance of being successful, we've extended the project scope and introduced a staged approach to the project.

"Adding additional scope to the project such as the intermediate pool upgrades and improved equal access facilities – will increase the overall project cost – however it will deliver a more comprehensive upgrade of the Complex.

"This staged approach would also allow Council to renegotiate with the contractor the opening of the octagonal and intermediate/learn to swim pools until such time as the 50-metre pool is rebuilt.

"Community support for the project is also a key part of our funding application and we thank the newly established Friends of the Maryborough Outdoor Pool Precinct for their collaboration and advocacy as we seek the funding needed to re-open this important community asset.

"If you have the opportunity, we encourage you to chat to our local State and Federal Ministers about why the project is important to you."

It is expected that Stage One will cost $4.5 million and will involve:

  • Detailed design of the entire complex
  • Full renovation of the intermediate/learn to swim pool including new filtration system and balance tank, renovation of the tiling and shell and construction of a disability access ramp
  • Upgrade to pavilion to accommodate a new compliant entry with ticketing, kiosk, car parking, footpaths, ramps and landscaping
  • New change room facility – this would be a new standalone building including family change rooms, accessibility and a changing place facility
  • Plant room structural repairs
  • Upgrades to the existing male and female changerooms including new toilets, showers
  • Upgrades to services the site including power and sewer

If successful, this will present an opportunity to negotiate the partial re-opening of the facility with Council's operational contractor, while Council continues to advocate for funding for the 50-metre pool (Stage Two).

The design for the outdoor pool will be prepared as part of Stage One, ensuring that it is a shovel ready project for future Victorian Government and Federal Government grant opportunities

A high-level cost estimate for Stage 2 is projected to be at least $5.5 million, with the final cost to be determined through the detailed design process.

Stage Two of the project would include:

  • Demolition and rebuild of 50-metre pool
  • New concourse
  • New filtration system and balance tank
  • Footpaths connecting all areas

Community members are encouraged to read pages 10 and 11 of the Autumn edition of the Community Update magazine which provides important information around why the facility is closed and what it will take to see it re-opened.

We've worked in partnership with The Friends of the Maryborough Outdoor Pool Precinct to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions.

The information, along with some additional questions and information are also available to read at

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