Council Calls For Cleaner Recycling

Keep your recycling loose web.png

Swan Hill Rural City Council is calling on residents to help improve their recycling habits following a recent bin audit that uncovered significant contamination in recycling bins across the region.

Council's Director of Infrastructure, Leah Johnston, explained that the audit identified several common mistakes, such as placing recyclables in bags, discarding bagged waste, non-recyclable plastics, nappies and food scraps in the recycling bin.

"We're noticing a few recurring issues, such as residents bagging their recyclables. Recyclables should always be taken out of bags before being placed in the bin. Bagged waste and non-recyclable plastics, like soft plastics, must not go in the recycling bin—they belong in the red bin. And, of course, food scraps should also stay out of the recycling and go in the red bin.

"We are reminding everyone that a clean recycling stream is essential for reducing contamination, improving recovery rates, and protecting our environment," Ms Johnston said.

Another key reminder from Ms Johnston was that batteries should never be disposed of in the recycling or waste bin.

"Batteries can cause fires in waste facilities and pose a significant environmental risk. We encourage residents to take batteries to designated B-Cycle battery recycling points, to the Swan Hill Landfill or Transfer stations for safe disposal."

"By sorting waste correctly and ensuring only the right items are recycled residents can play a vital role in building a cleaner, more sustainable future for our community," Ms Johnston added.

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