Council Connect 14 March

Good morning Dungog. Councillor James Campbell here. There's been quite a lot on Council's agenda recently. The recent weather events we've been lucky that they haven't disrupted our day-to-day life as they have in Queensland. However, with the recent weather events, we did see some road and bridge closures due to flooding, but things are being cleared and returned to normal quickly. A big thank you to Council crews, SES, and volunteers who have worked tirelessly during this time to really keep our community resilient.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit feedback during the public exhibition period for the Clarence Town Structure Plan, and please remember that we are also looking for your input for the Flood Study survey, which is open until 31st March. Your local knowledge and personal experience with flooding are invaluable in helping us develop an accurate and effective study. So please take the time to fill in the survey if you can. A link to the survey can be found on our website and Facebook page, and copies can also be found at the Council's Administration Building and the Clarence Town Post Office.

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