Council Connect 21 March

Hello everybody, happy Friday. Deputy Mayor Alexandria Carruthers coming to you for the council update this week. As many of you may know, we had our Council meeting on Wednesday. It was not a huge agenda this time around, so that made a difference to last, but we did have a couple of important things on the agenda this week, such as the submissions for the Roads Act and also Road Recategorisation Program, which is looking to replace the Roads Reclassification Program. We'll include some more information in the links below so that you can go and read to get more details there.

We also confirmed our motions for ALGA, which is coming up in June. So we're working collaboratively with the Hunter JO, which is that group of 10 councils, to put forward some motions. We'll include what those motions covered in the comments below, but we've also put forward an additional motion, looking to have a review into the fiscal sustainability of essential services such as our local licensed post offices. As we all know, in small areas, those post offices are often connected with other services and other businesses in town, and so having a sustainable model in place to keep those services available to us is something we believe is very important. I will put that motion in there as well.

As part of our meeting this week, we also looked at the Grants Management Review. So there was a Motion moved some time ago by Councillor Dowling to have a look at how our grants have been approached in that space, it was a Grants Officer that was spoken about at the time, and we went away and we did a bit of a review and looked at what is possible in this space for us. So that review is included in the comments below, and you can have a read of that.

As part of that as well, there'll be a Grants Information Workshop coming for the community. I would encourage you to make sure you tell anyone and everyone that's involved in the community group looking for grants because this will really help provide a bit more structure and direction and answer some of those questions in terms of how you submit your grants and get the best outcomes. I'm really looking forward to those workshops across the shire. Then, as part of that, we'll also look to get some more information available for people to access when they need it in regard to applying for grants.

Another item on the agenda at the Council meeting on Wednesday was some support for Dungog Art Society. So that passed. And then it was wonderful to be invited to that committee meeting this morning from those very dedicated, hard-working volunteers, and hear what they're up to. I'm also looking forward to seeing what's happening in that space, particularly around arts and culture in Dungog, as we know this is a revenue stream for the Shire, and we are doing wonderful things in that space. So it's just another reason to put us on the map.

And I'll close off as well with Coronation Park is back open this afternoon. They're taking the fencing down. We've got some wonderful new play equipment there. It was great to hear about the collaboration between the Council and the community around how that park would look and the types of equipment that would be included, as well as seating and accessibility in that space. So, I'm really looking forward to taking the kids to Coronation Park this weekend to have a play.

So that's it for this week. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. And as I said there'll be a few things in the comments below which will expand on some of the things I've covered. That's it from me. Thanks. Bye.

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