Council Continues To Deliver On Accessibility

The City of Greater Geelong is pleased to be partnering with the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club to provide an accessible beach wheelchair for public use at Ocean Grove Beach.

A formal agreement between both parties was recently signed, with the City providing the MobiChair to OGSLSC at no cost, making it available free of charge to the community.

The City has long supported accessibility at local beaches with three MobiChairs now available for use, adding to those at Eastern Beach public pool and at the Indented Head Boat Club.

The new arrangement marks the first time the City has made a MobiChair available at an ocean beach, with the existing chairs both at bay beaches.

Designed to provide a seamless beach experience for individuals with mobility challenges, MobiChairs allow users to move easily from the car park to the beach and into the water.

The large armrests also serve as flotation devices when entering the water.

This innovative equipment is available for people of all ages with mobility challenges or additional support needs, and will ensure that beach access and enjoyment are within reach for many who might otherwise face limitations.

Connewarre Ward Councillor Elise Wilkinson

It is wonderful that the City is able to provide this service to our community in partnership with the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club.

The partnership and this initiative is a small but meaningful step that enables our beaches to be more accessible and inclusive for all residents and visitors.

It's been such a great collaboration, including life jackets donated by the Ocean Grove Disabled Surfers Association, and accessible toilets managed by Barwon Coast Committee of Management Inc.

The City's commitment to improving beach accessibility for people with disabilities is outlined in the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-28 .

Those looking to use the MobiChair are encouraged to speak with the Ocean Grove Surf Lifesaving Club.

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